Saturday, November 6, 2010

A fool proof formula for success.

I have a SECRET.A fool proof formula for success for any one to use.Of course you have every right to be skeptical! But please hear me out? You may well ask is there really such a secret?A FOOL PROOF FORMULA FOR SUCCESS believe me the formula is there and a guaranteed winner every time.

The people of this SECRET never failed.No I don't mean they did not suffer losses ,or never went broke! But with the knowledge of this fool proof formula for success this rose back up stronger wiser, possessors of the secret.
It is the fool proof secret of creating wealth,happiness,abundance,and harmony in life. When you have this secret!!!!!!!!!Which can be used by anyone.It is available for instant use over and over again.
BUT: THERE IS A BUT; YOU MUST BE WISE ENOUGH TO RECOGNIZE IT. It is a lost secret,a secret we use used to know.At one time it was taught in many places.Alas it was lost.After all this time it was hidden lost in ancient books.It has become available again.some people have dusted of layers of dust from the ancient texts with some people practicing the ancient forgotten skill for instant success. It truly is a an ageless less secret. Sitting available in ancient text available to scholars and ordinary folk.When it was practiced children did not go to bed hungry.When this power fool proof formula for success is used.If it is used it will stamp out poverty.

It is a guaranteed foolproof secret for every ones success.Evey industry should have this SECRET available in its mega knowledge systems. American Industry when to colleges and universities to recruit the brightest and best brain to be hired .Giving large monetary inducements to the smartest brain powers to be employed by giants of industry, Governments and finance,banking. But there was lack in the search.It was not brains or energy or even know how skills.

Of course having them would not hurt but it was the secret they needed.It was the secret they need as taught by the forefathers.A secret which served them very well.Year after year Corporation flock to university campuses like hungry birds pecking away poring over college records.Gleaning trough transcripts but because institutes of learning had lost the SECRET.The fool proof formula for success was not found in the records. This secret is only found in some ancient records.This secret was taught me by my parents and uncles and aunts.The secret really is the key to everything in life. .... sorry you have to wait until the next installment where i will share the rest.

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