Thursday, November 18, 2010

Learning from a Trojan Virus

The last few day have to be said where very interesting.All my time has been spent to get rid of a persistent virus which just did not want to go.Working with my computer trying to get rid of this pest was a learning experience in itself .

What was amazing to me it provided a software to rid of a bug on my computer which was an annoyer like a mosquito.Swat it away bang there it is again.To get rid of it.Then this well packaged Trojan shows up.With phony write ups to all intents and purposes something to be desired when you a have a few pesky virus mosquitoes bugging you.

I downloaded a software which was touted as the latest the best upgraded software to kill the Trojan Virus.(PS it Is called THINK POINT) When you see this run don't walk to you nearest real TROJAN Killer and engage it to protect you.

The think is like a persistent door to door salesman who keeps sticking his foot in the door.You stamp on it but there it is again larger than life. So you get to the point where you say."this is enough already.Then you fall for the nicely wrapped up con.It even has the Microsoft logo on the front as a sign of reliability.

Hey you say to self MICROSOFT giant killer what could be more appropriate then downloading something which looks so trustworthy. Doesn't look like a any fly by night salesman.So you invite it in.Whew what a huge mistake. the first thing which happens you run it it all looks so authentic.

Then the trouble starts a big label fills your computer screen and your off in the battle for possession of your computer.

It looks like an almost impossible task to get around the label.IT squats right over everything you can't get at it to give it the boot..

Finally by going to another computer you learn what your in for. It is the battle of the pygmy against the giant looking like the giant is going to win.I won but it took me three days to get rid of it.
What did I learn ???????????????????????????????????


When you look the whole thing over with all the bells and whistles on the product.They might just as well have built a real product.Since in all probability it would take just as long to set up a real product versus a phony.
Dressed up to look real. It looked real a real product. It brought to mind the experience of a product called WOW. It had one of the most impressive labels for a detergent any one could design or make.I was jealous of the name since mine had the name "NO DIRT" It sold and I never had returns but WOW beat everybody.

About 7 skillfully used brilliant colors. Every store bought it go into it go to a Safe-way store there it was WOW. Filling up the shelf being sold as fast as they could carry it to the cash register.But WOW had a secret which caused the stores to have to take it back and refund the money.

Its secret was hidden behind the color full display, as the TROJAN was on my computer. The secret of a non working product.

The contents of the product in the bottle was just some diluted salt. By the time it was over a couple of guys whose brainchild it was where in trouble with the police. They thought not a problem we take the money and run. They did not get far.

GREED DRIVEN small minded guys who spent a fortune on a design like the guys doing the Trojan.Thinking we pretend its real sell a worthless product. With the design they had and the name WOW everybody bought.But one of life's stupidity practiced over and over again by greedy money suckers.

Is proffering a phony product when it does't take any longer to have a real good detergent to take the place of the Sodium chloride.They would still be in business today.Same with sellers of phony goods or e books, or anything. Quality wins out over deceit any day.

My personal philosophy has always been the make the best product but never sell cheap because when you make the best you can demand the high price. ........... more later have to go finish the killing of the TROJAN...... which is a persistent cuss.
At least I can get around on my computer again Hapy Happy -------------------------OH BYE THE WAY IF THE COPS WON'T GET THEM GOD WILL.LIFE IS LIKE A BOOMERANG THROW OUT BAD BAD WILL RETURN TO SOONER OR LATER . This will be my next subject .THE LAW OF RETURN.

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