1. find out what others where doing. which meant studying the products of the competition. What where they doing which I was not.learn from their flaws. i.e to high a p.h in their Detergents or other things like what was the solvent was they used. Then change what I did.
2. I went and started looking for an edge to beat the competition.YOU IF YOU WANT TO MAKE MONEY IN ANY CHANGING ECONOMY .You have to find a niche not to crowded and wiggle in for your share of the pie. When I was selling on the road there always was competition.
This is what I did on my first call I found out who my competition was on on the same road as I traveled.How long ago had they called.From this I made a calculated guess. Driving like a maniac(not recommended LOL) to get ahead of the crowd.So the customers along the way would buy my product.
Today's economic situation forces any one to look for an edge in the market place to fill with there products.I have done the same thing.
I INVENTED A NEW PRODUCT WHICH GIVES ME AN EDGE AND A NICHE. The product is making crude oil from ordinary household waste. The create from this FUEL.I always try to do what others are not doing.
THIS WHERE THE NEW MONEY WILL BE MADE WITH LASTING JOBS BY RETURNING TO WHAT NORTH AMERICANS DO BEST INNOVATE NEW PRODUCTS GIVING THEM AN EDGE. You don't have to invent something new but you need to find something you can own and give a little twist enough to make appear new or different.